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Your worst battle is between what you know and what you feel.
As parents, we believe that we are always right. That is not necessarily the case all the time. It is great to have a parent-child relationship. Sometimes as adults, we get frustrated and sometimes take out our anger on our kids. Children portray many different kinds of behaviors while they are growing up. Some kids are hyperactive, silent, mischievous, and happy, to name a few. Talking to your children and bonding with them, helps you to understand them so much better. As teenagers kids believe that they should no longer take instructions from their parents and that is what triggers a lot of problems. Communication is the key and taking an approach will help you understand your kids much better.
Building and maintaining strong relationships is a key component of effective coaching and mentoring when dealing with kids. Tuning into children’s feelings and helping your kid’s emotional needs to cope with self-regulate, negative emotions such as fear, anger, and sadness.
Parents who adopt an emotional coaching approach will take time to see things from their child’s perspective and make their child feel understood and respected. Parents should always talk to their kids about emotional connection. working together will help kids come up with the right strategies to deal with the different emotions that present themselves, especially the negative emotions.
Your worst battle is between what you know and what you feel.
Help is always here. Book the consultation that is your preference.
There are no strangers here, just friends that you have never yet met. Your happiness is your responsibility. Don’t let obstacles keep you down.
We all have feelings and having someone to talk to about what we are going through helps. Why battles this alone?